ddmpatterson@gmail.com says:
19:16:46Dear Kapil Hoe, it is Borderline hoe again. one of my dearest childhood friends decided to give me advice on my relationship situation when her boyfriend told her not to come to my birthday party. While advice is all nice and well, her telling me not to talk to my other dude because he is bad for me and he my be using me to get back at my ex, and the other dude is looking her, doesnt qualify as logical advice. I'm still upset at her for not coming, and since she does have a history of making worse choices than I do, is it fair i told her to mind her own bisnis since the pot shudnt be lecturing the kettle? Worse her boyfriend is displaying abuser tendencies and she doesnt see it. What shud I do?
I say:
19:26:12Dear Borderline, firstly, when will u make the jump to Hoe and stop this borderline business? Anyway, your friend deserves the mental equivalent of a slap so she can see her own situation instead of annoying u with her totally unnecessary views on urs. Also, to get this straight, is it that the guy ur talking to (the one ur actual bf hates) is after that girl even though he's [allegedly] with u? If that is the case, u may just want to make sure that he is not ur main bf, just to protect whatever shred of morality and emotional stability that remains in u.
-Kapil Hoe
-Kapil Dev