Thursday, 23 May 2013


I hate this empty feeling like my world's about to end. 
I listen to this preacher and his sermon makes me mad;
What kinda God would send me to the ninth level of hell,
Just to prove the fucking point that i cant do it by myself? 

I hope you know that i don't understand your fucking plan. 
Is this break me or make me into a better man?
I've always known that you work in some mysterious ways, 
But to wipe out my life in one day? Damn!

I finally realize that I don't have a word to say.
The fucking hate-filled lyrics just keep boiling in my brain.
I'd like to say "I'm sorry Jesus about what I said"
But that would be a fucking lie come from the deepest pit of hell!

I wanna stop these feelings sprouting poison in my brain
I think my fucking God isn't so so goddamn inhumane
To break my live so cleanly if he didn't have a plan
To turn my life around and lead me to the promised land. 

I hate this kind of nonsense about trusting just in God, 
I've been a skeptic almost since the time that I could walk, 
But somehow when my life is only broken wrecks of dreams, 
I become a hypocrite and beg you Lord to help me please. 

Sunday, 13 January 2013


I feel like I don't wanna go home, 
To my old empty bed and a house that's so cold. 
So I trod along with my face looking down
Cuz I don't want no-one to see these tears of a clown. 
I don't know why I ever let it get this far, 
I should just end it now and jump in front a moving car.
But whether I'm delusional or maybe just a coward, 
I'll keep hoping u'll come back before my closing hour

Never really felt like a fool in love, 
Always been the one to do the breaking up, 
And even though you're not my girl its cool, 
'Cept when u cut me off u knocked my whole head loose. 
I used be the manager of my own game, 
Always used to be the pilot of my own airplane, 
And I'm wondering when u became the master of my circus,
Cuz u know I'd never give away that title on purpose.

Trying to figure out why I depend on you, 
Cant just be about the little things you do
We don't make love. Its against your religion.  
Cant drink or smoke cuz u say it's sicknin'.
And all the other things u don't want me to do, 
Is killing all the habits that distract me from you,
And when you're all that's left and you become an addiction,
You cut me loose....And watch me drift into oblivion. 

Lost, I guess

You know, let me apologize in advance for some of the shit that's gonna go down on this post. This post will contain expletives. If you do not wish to see any, then don't read past this point. 

I am one angry motherfucker. And this isn't even a healthy anger. You know, anger directed at anything in particular? naa. This shit is fucking uni-directional. I mean, its anger at a situation.....its just spilling over into everything else. And y everything I mean EVERY THING. I'm pissed at my mom (biological) for the shit she put me through when i was younger. I'm pissed at my father for never being there for me until it was way too fucking late for me to recover. I'm pissed at my little brother Glenroy for always being the 'cool' one, the athletic one, the one who everyone wanted to be around. 

I'm pissed at myself.....for so many fucking things I cant even begin to count. Shit.... I think this is the most truthful and spontaneous thing I've ever written. but even i all this truth...I know I'm lying to myself. I'm not really angry, u know? Its more like this anger is a front for what i really feel. I'm scared. I'm really and honestly scared of whats going to happen to me from here on. I don't have an anchor anymore. The one person who was with me through thick and thin.....whether we were together or not..... The one person above everyone else that I would trust with my life......just told me that they're cutting me off. 

What am I supposed to do now? Who will I talk to about the stuff i cant tell anyone else? When I'm feeling lonely and crying my eyes out who is going to tell me that i'll be fine....that someone loves me and its ok? I don't think she ever really understood what our relationship was about. She was always the strong one. And this has absolutely nothing to do with her being my gf or whatever. Not talking about romance right now. But she was quite literally the ying to my yang. And I'm afraid I don't know what comes after this. I honestly don't know what to do with my life anymore. 

This was never supposed to become so personal, actually. I just wanted to rage against some stuff and post, but...I guess the truth needed to be set free. I'm not angry anymore. I'm just lonely. I'm just cold. I'm.....lost, i guess. 

-Kapil Dev

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

New Year.......

Like almost everyone, I too have made various New Year Resolutions with the express purpose of making major changes to my life in hopes of making myself a better person. Also like many people, after a couple months those resolutions fall to pieces and I end up doing the very things I said I wouldn't do. But that's not really a big deal. I don't ever making any resolutions that would cause total and complete change in any area of my life....well, at least not for the new year.

This year, like most years, in reflection I realize that there were a great many things that I could have done differently.....situations I could have handled more delicately.....risks I should have never taken.... and definitely money that I shouldn't have spent so frivolously. But it has been said many times that hindsight has 20/20 vision and never is that proven more than when we are starting a new year and we remember all the mistakes we made in the previous one. It is this reflection which drives one to create resolutions in order to reduce the chances of us repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

Some of us decide to give up our vices: gambling, drinking, drugs..... Others take a more subtle approach by resolving to treat persons better, settling down.... There are as many resolutions as there are people who make them, for while resolutions may be similar, they are all different. They are as unique as the people that make them. Each resolution is tailor-made by each person for themselves.

This year, I have one resolution. One thing that I think will fully influence how I see the world, how I react t it, and consequently what opportunities or sanctions I will have to experience. My resolution is simple: I will take it one day at a time. This is not as simple as it sound. I don't mean that I will completely throw out any form of future planning and live in the moment, no! What I mean is that I will not allow tomorrow's problems to overshadow today. I will not be stressed out my tuition fee which needs to be paid in 4 weeks.....I will not be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of bills that need to be paid next week.... I wont even worry about the rent that's due at the end of this week. What I will do is meet up with some friends later, have a couple laughs, drink a couple shots of rum, generally just enjoy myself, then go home to sleep. Tomorrow is a different day, a different time, a different section of my life.

That's my resolution for this year. Just one resolution with the potential to provide me with less stress and more happiness in my life.

-Kapil Dev